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Ramboll Finland reaches 1,000 Trimble Quadri projects

Ramboll Finland reached a milestone in 2019 when designer and Quadri user Mikko Lonka opened the one-thousandth Trimble Quadri project. Mikko and Juha Vartia, who are in charge of Ramboll’s environment and overall solution, provide insight into their experiences with Quadri.

Futuristic BIM graphic

Efficient real-time teamwork

The BIM server for infrastructure projects, Quadri, allows BIM models to be shared among designers, project managers, and clients. Designers can work in different software solutions and share their work in the Quadri environment. This considerably boosts productivity and improves work quality.

“We started using Quadri when Trimble launched a BIM service solution that enables teamwork through applications. We definitely had a need for the software and there weren’t any similar tools available in the market,” says Vartia.

“The decision to use Quadri was also linked to a customer case. We won a customer project that required a multiuser environment. When the day’s work is shared in the cloud, a colleague involved in the project can pick up the work the next morning and continue from there,” adds Lonka.

The old software versions were considered very cumbersome for collaboration if the employees were located at different sites. “We do a lot of teamwork, and the software has made day-to-day work a lot easier. We also collaborate with other countries, so we can now work on the same model globally,” says Vartia, describing the benefits of Quadri.

Company expansion increases the need for training

Mikko Lonka was pleasantly surprised that his project was Ramboll Finland’s 1,000th Trimble Quadri project.

“Setting up and deploying the project was easy, we didn’t encounter any surprises or problems. By now, we have a good working routine with the BIM server,” he reveals.

Lonka has participated in several training sessions organized by Civilpoint Oy (Trimble partner in Finland).

“I’ve been working in Ramboll for three and a half years and attended Trimble Novapoint training in Espoo to get started. Over the years, I’ve also attended additional training sessions that have been very useful for my job. Civilpoint’s experts have also provided training at our premises in Lappeenranta, which I consider very good service,” he remarks.

Collaboration with the software supplier supports deployment

Ramboll’s goal is to be the market leader in several areas, which is why the company considers it important to always be updated on the latest software-related developments. As the company has experience in deploying a variety of software programs, Juha Vartia is in a position to give a few tips on what to take into account in the process.

“It’s worthwhile to take a moment to consider how the new software and the related way of working will be implemented within the company. I strongly recommend cooperation with the software supplier. Civilpoint has provided regular training for our experts. As they’ve been involved in numerous customer deployment projects, they have experience on how to continually improve processes”, he says.

Vartia also points out that you should not store up on training for future needs – you need to be able to put the learnings into practice immediately. One challenge is the hectic workday; it can be difficult for employees to find the time to focus on learning new things when they have their hands full with projects that need to be delivered. Ideally, real projects should be used in training, and thus progress hand-in-hand with learning.