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The Surprising Impact of The Constructible Process on Owners and Facility Managers

“Constructible models drive smarter workflows.”

The Constructible Process, which we’ve discussed in detail in previous articles, has a marked impact on the estimating, detailing, fabrication, and building stages of any construction project. The benefits revolve around the use of constructible content, which provides a common language that carries through all iterations of the models used by professionals throughout these phases of the project. And, because all these professionals and the models they work with are seamlessly connected, the benefits of The Constructible Process can be attained quickly and efficiently, even as the reality of construction brings to light necessary changes. 

But, the constructible models developed as part of the The Constructible Process also improve pre- and post-building phases, greatly benefiting the building owner and even the facility manager who’s responsible for ongoing maintenance and optimization of the structure once it’s in use. 

Let’s dive a little deeper into how smarter workflows based on constructible models can save time and money long after a building’s construction is complete.


Maintenance and optimization

Generally speaking, a facility manager is not going to be involved at all in the planning or construction of the building. However, the constructible models used throughout the pre-building and building phases of construction can be an invaluable source of information, even making the facility manager’s day-to-day responsibilities easier and more successful. 

For example, the routine maintenance of all the building’s internal systems constitutes a large portion of the facility manager’s responsibilities. Under “normal” circumstances, these activities would necessarily involve a lot of investigative work to make sure system components were being effectively monitored and serviced. If and when repairs or proactive replacements became necessary, time and effort would need to be invested in locating and sourcing the right replacement parts. And, if the in-house maintenance team was unfamiliar with the part in question, it could require additional time to get up to speed on how to perform the necessary repair, or time and money to bring in an outside party to handle it. 

In all these cases, time and money can be saved simply by having access to the robust data available as part of the as-built constructible models used to facilitate construction. These models include part specifications, manufacturer information, and even installation instructions, all organized and accessible in a fraction of a second. This allows facility managers and their maintenance teams to attack routine maintenance and repairs with confidence, speed, and efficiency.

Likewise, the facility manager is interested in optimizing the use of the facility as well as the operational costs the building requires. Optimizing energy usage and how building spaces are used can have a tremendous impact on the structure’s usefulness, longevity, environmental impact, and cost.

Especially in coordination with other building management applications, such as automated HVAC controls, building analytics engines, and space management solutions, facility managers can take advantage of all the data contained in constructible models to develop and execute proactive optimization plans. Doing so reduces the need for costly trial and error and allows facility managers to achieve results faster. 


Remodels and reconfigurations

As a building ages, tenants come and go and the space’s needs can change. Planning for and carrying out necessary remodels, upgrades, and space reconfigurations can be a daunting task, especially if details of the as-built environment are unknown or inaccurate. 

That’s why the data imbedded in the structure’s constructible models makes these future projects faster, less expensive, and more successful: the data and specifications for every aspect of the existing building is already there, available for instant review. Using the right technology, augmented reality, and other modern solutions can make reviewing and manipulating these models simple and powerful, leading to more successful remodeling projects that are completed faster and with less waste.


Resale value

Finally, if and when it becomes time for the owner to sell the property, those constructible models become a valuable addition to the sale. For all the reasons noted above, being able to pass along as-built 3D models that include all that robust data can have the same time- and cost-saving benefits for the prospective buyer and whoever takes over as facility manager as the original manager and owner enjoyed. 

Without a doubt, facility managers and building owners can rely on constructible models produced during the planning and construction phases to save countless time and money for the life of the building. That’s why we say constructible models drive smarter workflows: the value of these models goes far beyond the detailing and building of a steel and concrete structure, extending into every aspect of a building’s lifecycle, improving every phase. 

For more information about The Constructible Process and how it can benefit your future projects, download our free ebook: How the Constructible Process Will Transform 2020.