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5 Things You Should Know About Robotics in Construction [VIDEO]

Increased productivity and efficiency is one of the biggest challenges in the construction industry. Some claim this is partially due to severe worker shortages and weak growth, and that the total economic output per worker has remained flat over the last several years.

According to the McKinsey report from this year, Reinventing Construction: a Route to Higher Productivity, the construction industry is having major problems with growing productivity. The report shows that productivity has increased in retail, agriculture, and manufacturing by 1,500 percent since 1945. But unfortunately, it has barely gone up at all for construction. In fact, the construction sector’s annual productivity growth has only increased by 1% over the past 20 years. The report claims there is an opportunity for an additional value-add of $1.6 trillion dollars with higher productivity, which would meet half of the world’s infrastructure need.

The reason for this almost unnoticeable growth in mindset is partly due to resistance or avoidance of new technologies. Those who decide to adopt the latest tech are, more often than not, positioned far above their competition.

Enter robotics.

Efficiency and productivity is their middle name. They can build a structure and demolish it, speed up the layout process by 4x, and keep crew safe by doing jobs that are too dangerous for humans. This technology is drastically challenging the status quo, and changing the way owner-operators think about scalability.

Watch the video below to discover five things you should know about robotics in construction, and then share it with your network!


5 Things You Should Know About Robotics in Construction

  1. Robots have been used in demolition for more than 20 years. 

They’re helpful in speeding up lengthy demolition times.


2. Robots can increase job site safety.

Jobs once too dangerous for people are being made safer by robotics


3. Robots can be used as layout solutions.

Robotic technologies can actually speed up the layout process by 4x


4. Robots can lay bricks, pipe, and electrical channels.

If it’s included in the CAD software, robots can be programmed to create it


5. Robots won’t take your job.

If you’re always learning new technologies, machines will surely depend on you


Interested in learning how your firm can get ahead by adopting the latest technology? Download our free guide, Adapt or Die: Why Adopt Tech Trends In a Competitive Construction Market?